Kirby Air Ride Stars

Kirby Air Ride Stars Rating: 3,0/5 8112 reviews

Kirby Air Ride is one of my all-time favorite games, and I think it's a necessity for any Gamecube library. The controls are very simplistic - steer with the control stick, and brake with the A button, and that's it! But the beauty comes from the frantic, frenzied mayhem of fast-paced multiplayer.

Other useful tips:if you find one peice, the rest have to appear during the triallowering the time seems to make legendary peices more likely to appear.i have never seen boxes appear on top of the city hall and on the cliff near the volcano, so if a box spawns on either location, go the IMMEDIATLY.Legendaries seem to disappear more quickly than normal boxes.This is kind of obvious, but if you attack someone, they can drop a peice if they have collected it.the boxes can appear in close proximity to each other, though this is somewhat uncommon. If you see one, look around quickly to see if you can find othersSubmitted by: tornskippito Secret Passage In Sky Sands go to the part where sand is falling. The secret passage is in the top right (it's behind the sand).Random Power In the Free Trial for City Mode you can get an ability by landing your star on a big white building,land lengthwise on the building so you can meet a building that has a shape kinda like an equal sign.

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Nebula Belt

The way to get Nebula Belton air ride is to racea total of one-hundred laps on air ride.

First Legendary Vehicle

On magma flows the middle and left lead to the upper level and the right one leads to the lower level.

Shortcuts On Checkered Knights

Before the lanes change into 3 there will be a brick , if you charge into it a couple of times it should crack open then the other one straight across from it and use the same routine.

Legendary Pieces (Bird And Reptile)

All you need to do is Look in the Red Boxes at the special places (Electric Lounge, Castle Hall, Forest, Underground Hideout, Volcano Hideout, and Beaches). It may take you a few tries to find the pieces but if you keep trying you will find them. Hint: The Pink pieces go to the bird and the Green ones go to the Reptile.

The End Credits

Do 100 tasks in city trail and their should be aend credit showing all the machines.

Which Boxes To Find Legends In?

Usually the orange and green are where you canfind the legendary pieces in but, to get themfor permanent you need to get parts off of thechecklist.


On the checklist, you may see a goal involvingthe use of Fireworks in City Trial. It is justthe cannon.

The Swerve Approach

Which manchine is the BEST for battling? This isa debatable issue, but undoubtedly one of theBETTER machines is the Swerve Star! This starhas the ability to turn precisely and quickly!It also has the best acceleration rate of allthe stars in the game, and the top speed isfairly decent too! If you can dodge and weavebetween your opponents and strike them when theyleast expect it, then you are unstoppable!

Get Dragoon In Freerun

To get Dragoon in free run do this: first flythrough the rings in the sky. Then in air gliderfly over 1300 feet. Last in high jump glide over100 feet. Note: dont fill in with pink blocks,andyou dont have to fly through all rings 5 times.

Break The Boundary

This is more of a glitch that leads to anot-very-secret course. All you need to do is goto city trial, get onto the garden in the sky (thefloating platform for all you newcomers), and flyas far as possible towards the forest (it's hasthe closest boundary line). If you're lucky, orare using a good flying vehicle, you'll go pastthe ordinary boundary line and bump into adifferent one. If you fall down from there,you'll find that you're in the ocean. Get a fewfriends, pick a starting point and a number oflaps, and you can race on this mystical land.Also, you can get off the map. But you can figureout how to do that by yourself. Oh, so you don'thave to hassle with the time limit, it's a goodidea to do this in free run. If you're worryingon how to get back into the city, there are a fewramps leading back up there. Be warned, once youget back into the city, you have to do the gettingout process all over again. *Note: not allvehicles can get past the original boundary*

Finding The Temporary Legendary Parts

The legendary machine parts (that can only beused once each time you find the parts) arealways found in red boxes. The only red boxesthat they are in are in and on the shores of thecastle, the tunnels, around the strange things inthe field, underneath the forest, and finally onthe quadruple-decker building. Your notguaranteed to finding them in every red box. However you are guaranteed to finding a machine partif the red box is in the field of strange things,or if it's under the forest. I figured this outabout a week after I got the game.

Engine Burnout

Go to city trial and do free run and you'll seethat you have all of the stars and weelies and soon. Use Rex Wheelie [which is in the bottom rightcorner]. Once you're playing hold 'A' and push upon the control stick [not pad STICK]and Kirbywill start hitting his head on the engine. Afterhe does it a lot the boost bar will go to zero[use this only if you hit it on accident or ifyou want to see Kirby get a headache]and theengine will start smoking for a second, and itkinda looks like the engine burnt out.

Use Meta-Knight In City Trial's Free Run

Break 1,000 boxes in City Trial to unlockMeta-Knight for its free run mode.

Use King Dedede In City Trial's Free Run

In the stadium, beat King Dedede in under aminute. Then you will be able to use him in CityTrial's free run.

Get King Dedede

To ride Hydra, you'll have to collect its partsin City Trial mode.

Get Dragoon

To access Dragoon, you'll have to find its hiddenparts in City Trial mode.

Get Rex Wheelie

Start the final lap in fourth place and move tofirst to win.

Get Wheelie Bike

Reach the goal three times in any mode other thanFree Run. Funny walk video.

Get Jet Star

Race over 4,500 feet in 2:00 in Air Ride mode onthe Machine Passage course.

Get Turbo Star

Use all the volcano rails and finish in firstplace in Air Ride mode on the Magma Flows course.

Get Formula Star

Finish under 3:14 in Time Attack mode on theFrozen Hillside course.

Get Bulk Star

Finish under 3:20 in Time Attack mode on theCelestial Valley course.

Get Swerve Star

Finish two laps under 2:05 in Air Ride mode onthe Sky Sands course.

Get Slick Star

Finish two laps under 3:05 in Air Ride mode onthe Checker Knights course.

Get Shadow Star

Finish in first place while flying through theair in Air Ride mode.

Get Rocket Star

Finish one lap under 1:05 in Free Run mode on theMachine Passage course.

The Legendary Robots

In City Trial mode you can find six pieces thatlook really weird. If you get three that connectyou can get the legendary robot and use it inthe city. Note: You can only have it during theduration of time in City Trial mode then if youwant to use it again, you have to find thepieces.

Go Really High In City Trial Mode

If you want to go really high in City Trial modethis is what you got to do. Go on top of avolcano by the yellow string ride. Then go on the wooden bridge that is at the top of thevolcano, go across it. When you go into theactive volcano you will get transported to thehighest point in the city. Note: The volcano willnot hurt you. Once your at the highest point ofthe city you can glide everywhere in the cityfrom that point.

How To Get The Legendary Vehicles For Free Run.

First you have to check off a lot of things on the checlist and eventully you will get a piece of a legendary vehicle. Do this three times and you get a legendary vehicle for free run.

Play As White Kirby

Build the Dragon and Hydra vehicles in one match to unlock White Kirby in CityTrial mode. Win a two-lap race in Vallerion in under 2:30:00 to unlock him in AirRide mode.

Play As Purple Kirby

Break an enemy vehicle five times to unlock Purple Kirby in City Trial mode. Wina two lap race in Airoon in under 2:30:00 to unlock him in Air Ride mode.

Play As Green Kirby

Use the cannon to break an enemy ten times to unlock Green Kirby in City Trialmode. Inhale three Swordknights and win a race to unlock him in Air Ride mode.

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Play As Brown Kirby

Use the Heavy Star to win Sandoola with a time under 1:30:00 to unlock BrownKirby in Air Ride mode. Use the Wing Star and win Zeroyon Attack 2 with a timeunder 0:30:00 to unlock him in Air Ride mode.

Play As Galax

Finish 100 laps on any level to unlock Galax in Air Ride mode.

Get The Meta Night Character

To get Meta Night glide in Air Ride Mode for 30Minutes.

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We have no unlockables for Kirby Air Ride yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Kirby Air Ride yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Kirby Air Ride yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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