Final Fantasy Xiv Review
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A timeless gift to all who call Eorzea home.Nearly six years from the games launch and three from the realms remarkable rebirth, Square Enix is truly delighted to bring you the first ever official FINAL FANTASY XIV lore book, written and compiled by the FINAL FANTASY XIV development team. With over 300 pages detailing everything from Eorzeas history and cultures to her A timeless gift to all who call Eorzea home.Nearly six years from the game’s launch and three from the realm’s remarkable rebirth, Square Enix is truly delighted to bring you the first ever official FINAL FANTASY XIV lore book, written and compiled by the FINAL FANTASY XIV development team. With over 300 pages detailing everything from Eorzea’s history and cultures to her geography and inhabitants, this expertly crafted tome is a veritable treasure trove of invaluable information!Written by Banri Oda, Michael-Christopher Koji Fox, Natsuko IshikawaSupervised by FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer and Director, Naoki Yoshida. Not much to say about this one, seeing as how it's a rather niche read. Suffice it to say: if you play Final Fantasy XIV (which you should it's a remarkably well-done MMO) and at least sort of care about the plot (which, again, you should, because it's excellent), you'll get a kick out of this. It's beautifully designed, has a lot of lovely artwork, and really digs into the worldbuilding and lore in a clear and well-organized way.It makes the storyline much easier to track, admittedly. Not much to say about this one, seeing as how it's a rather niche read.
Suffice it to say: if you play Final Fantasy XIV (which you should — it's a remarkably well-done MMO) and at least sort of care about the plot (which, again, you should, because it's excellent), you'll get a kick out of this. It's beautifully designed, has a lot of lovely artwork, and really digs into the worldbuilding and lore in a clear and well-organized way.It makes the storyline much easier to track, admittedly. Character profiles, timelines of major events, outlines of the jobs, races, groups, and areas: it's pretty much all there.
Keep in mind that it only covers things up through the Heavensward expansion, though. Risk online.