Carmageddon Max Damage Wiki
At the Host Network screen (where you select what type of network game you want to play), type JOYRIDER. The game host will now have access to all of the cars, including those only available through cheat codes. The client player won't have access to the cheat cars, but he or she will have access to all of the other vehicles.European Codes At the main menu (where you choose map select, vehicle select, etc.) type ENABLE quickly. You'll gain access to all the tracks and cars.
Start a race and press F4 until the words CHEAT MODE appears. You may now enter any of the codes below. Code Effect F5 Repair all damageF6 Toggle InvulnerabilityF7 Add 30 seconds to the timerF8 Freeze/Unfreeze timerF10 Increase lap counterF11 Gain 5000 creditsF12 Switch between each opponent's cameraand your own. External view only.SHIFT-F6 Show opponents on mapSHIFT-F7 Adds 300 seconds to timerSHIFT-F8 Toggle shadows (none, your car, all cars)SHIFT-F10 Increment checkpoint counterSHIFT-F11 Lose 5000 creditsCTRL-F8 Toggle shadow mode (solid or translucent)CTRL-KEYPAD 1 Toggle flight. Use normal movement keys to fly.Press Keypad 5 to land, and Keypad 9or Keypad 6 to change your pitch.
Stainless released a sequel, Carmageddon II in 1998. Subsequent versions of the franchise (Carmageddon TDR 2000) were contracted by SCi to other developers and Stainless Games had no involvement. In 2006, Stainless was sub-contracted by Blitz Games to develop one of their three Burger King games, PocketBike Racer. Killzone 3 walkthrough.