Evo Explorer Planner

Evo Explorer Planner Rating: 4,1/5 8812 reviews

There is one characteristic in common in all successful person — the self-assessment.The very moment when you start questioning yourself, even the smallest decision that you made yesterday, that is a self-assessment., “When you know yourself, you are empowered. When you accept yourself, you are invincible”. So, how to get started? The first step is to get to know yourself on a daily basis. An easy task you can do is to and start record down everything you have achieved today.

Also, there is a section for the future goal and milestone. Overview – What is EVO Planner?EVO Planner is an app-integrated personalized smart and elegant planner for your self-assessment. Since every one of us thinks differently, you will have to go through a proprietary Brain Type Assessment™ (BTA) test by EVO Planner team. The test later categorized you into 4 main brain types. ADVERTISING. Alchemist — Discovery and Variety. Explorer — Fun and Adventure.

Project EVO Find your flow by uncovering who you are and what you do best — creators of the Brain Type Assessment™ and EVO Planner™ — the most popular personalized planning system in the world. Welcome to the Brain Type Assessment! If you’re ready to unlock the power of your Brain Type and get matched with the EVO Planner best suited for your planning style, start by filling in your name.

Architect — Order and Balance. Thimbleweed park dolores ks. Oracle — To disconnect and Find focus timeBy grouping into your respective brain type, you can easily find your core strengths and weaknesses in general. The planner is well-organized, user-friendly with colorful icons, and have the separate columns for you to write down your thoughts. Also, EVO Planner features the high-quality hardcover, ribbon bookmarks, gusseted inner pockets, and the copper gilded pages.

When you have done writing for the day, snap a shot on the EVO Life Score™ section with QR code located at the bottom right. With the app, you will learn yourself better by showing you an overall happiness for the day.By checking the analytics for the past months or even years, you can then pinpoint the factors that make you a better, happier person that satisfied your life. Review and Discussion — Is this product worth your money?EVO Planner is indeed a smart customized planner. By incorporating the BTA test and mobile app into a classic planner, you can judge yourself better from the past records.

The planner is smart but far from revolutionary. In fact, there are already quite a lot of smart planners in the market.

For example, on Amazon with a good number of reviews.Unlike EVO Planner however, this one doesn’t have a BTA test and assessment.On the other hand, writing planner is a long committed task. Most people get bored and quit as soon as they get busy with life. Therefore, think twice before you get flamed by the hotness of this new planner. Recording a simple voice or video record, such as a vlog, could best fit your lifestyle than writing.For me, the last time I wrote my planner was over 20 years ago. Just like you, many people are too busy to keep up with their life or even take a breath from the suffocating lifestyle.

Lesser and lesser are devoted to writing physical planner, but instead, a simple notepad/digital planning tools & free app can do the job.It’s the mindset that matters.Furthermore, not everyone a fan of the text-based writer. The BTA assessment classified users into four brain types, but the planner is not very customized according to each of their characteristics. The design and pages for all four type of books are more or less the same with slight differences.Therefore a good example will be — the creator can include some drawing sections for Explorers but more writing sections for Alchemist.Some have mentioned that the BTA test is too generic and everyone can somehow related to each group.

Google it, you will find a number of personality systems out there and it’s controversial. Overall, it’s not about which one is correct and trustable, but thinking of a color wheel instead, we are one small color dot that shares the same basic traits (either greater or fewer).There are many elements factoring your decision too.For the app, even though it’s a core part of this project, EVO Planner Kickstarter campaign (It’s now funding on Indiegogo) did not emphasize much on the general functions of its mobile app, such as what does the app do and how the analytics help user.

For this part, EVO Planner team is advised to make a simple demo video for the mobile app.Lastly the price, EVO Planner is funding on Indiegogo starts at a price of $29 ($39 on Indiegogo) and is quite reasonable.

OracleOracles gravitate toward the abstract and theoretical but focus on developing their ideas primarily in their minds and then bringing them out to share with others when they’re more fully formed. They tend to bounce between past, present, and future quite a bit in terms of what they’re most aware of it in a given moment.Oracles can find it relaxing to spend time out in nature and play, but get overwhelmed if they’re expected to be completely present in the world around them the way Explorers can be. ArchitectArchitects are linear, detailed thinkers who often identify with the idea of having a filing cabinet for a brain. They pay a lot of attention to the past as it helps inform them about the future and how they can best plan for it. They usually spend a lot of time developing their ideas or thoughts before sharing them with others.Architects can be creative geniuses and come up with great ideas like Alchemists, but they get tired whenthe conversation is always focusedon ideas and not on what isactually going to get done. “As a neuroscientist and psychology researcher, I am naturally interested in pioneering tools like the EVO Planner. As an Alchemist, I often forget to plan fun activities and rewards in my workday.

The fact that the EVO team knew to incorporate this into my planner shows deep research, and I think it’s a phenomenal idea. Similarly, reflection is something I often miss, and incorporating these elements helps me remember the importance of this. I can clearly see how many elements of my planner reflect my processing traits from the Brain Type Assessment.” Dr. Stacey Bedwell Psychology and Neuroscience Researcher & Lecturer at Birmingham City University. “I'm no longer losing track of tasks I need to complete. It's refreshing to have somewhere physical to look when I'm not sure what other 'jobs' I might be forgetting to do. Best of all, though, is that it's helped me be more mindful of what I'm doing and how I'm accomplishing it.

I've seen gradual improvements in areas that weren't even on my radar before: everything from increasing productivity at work, to discovering what sort of activities really nourish me during down-time. And I've got a handy tool to look over and reflect on what's working and what's not. I feel like it's developed into a dear friend who sees things about me that I haven't even fully realized yet.” Jessica Dybsetter Oracle.

'So many big wins! I can make decisions easier. I am braver and more sure of my course.

I purchased my first home, have directed two plays (Never had done that before), broke up a bad relationship on my terms, started a new one on my terms. Am finally repairing some of the negative things in my work environment and am getting ready to redesign what I do for a living so it fit my flow. Now that I know what blocks me, I can fight it. Now that I know how to choose to be in flow, I'm not afraid of it.'

Kim Doppe Oracle.